Concluding an in-depth study on Jesus’ teaching on stewardship Part 31
If some friends asked you to watch their pets while away on vacation, you’d do your best to ensure their pets were cared for. In a similar way, God has entrusted us with financial resources, with the expectation that we’d use them wisely.
Direction on how to keep our finances in proper perspective Part 30
When improperly used, money can take center stage in our lives, and assume a role only God can fill. Let's look at Luke chapter 16 for guidance on how to keep our finances in proper perspective.
Having a right perspective on our finances Part 29
Money is so ingrained in our lives that if we’re not careful, it can begin to control us. An important discussion from Jesus’ teachings in Luke.
What Jesus says about money, and His concern for how we use our finances Part 28
So much of our lives revolve around our finances. Whether we’re living in abundance, or struggling to make ends meet, money is central to how we survive.
Jesus’ perspective on building character Part 27
Building godly character doesn’t happen overnight. And according to the “Discover the Word” team, our character is revealed, not only in what we believe, but how we act out those convictions in our daily lives.
Let’s unravel the profound lessons in Jesus’ parable of the shrewd manager Part 21
Some of the teachings of Scripture aren’t as clear-cut as others. Let's look at the mysteries in Jesus’ parable found in Luke chapter 16.
Learning the value of friends Part 16
When we think of investments we think of dollars, cents, and financial reports. Let's talk about another kind of investment, one that outlasts those of a financial nature.
Discover long-term benefits for investing resources Part 15
In Luke chapter sixteen, Jesus uses a shrewd steward as an example of how followers of God can use resources wisely. Let's take a close look at this parable to find practical tools for our lives today.
Let’s learn a few things about shrewd planning from Jesus’ teaching in Luke sixteen Part 13
According to Jesus’ teaching in Luke sixteen, His followers could learn a few things from the culture about shrewd planning. Let's bring this teaching to life for the twenty-first century Christian.
Discover what it means to be shrewd, and how Jesus intended His followers to respond Part 12
In Luke chapter sixteen, Jesus tells a story which teaches that His followers need to be a shrewd managers of their resources.
Discover the positive characteristics of a shrewd manager Part 11
When we think of someone who’s shrewd, we often think of them in a negative light.
Discover the biblical idea of stewardship Part 10
The world wants us to believe that we are the masters of our homes. We are in charge of our income and all of our assets. Discover the counter-cultural wisdom from Jesus’ parable in Luke sixteen.
How our perspective changes when we view our resources as belonging to God Part 8
According to the “Discover the Word” team, there’s danger in viewing our assets as things we’ve earned. Let's study Jesus’ parable on stewardship in Luke chapter sixteen.
An interesting perspective on “what’s mine” Part 5
We work hard, earn our salaries, and feel like the benefits of the income are ours to enjoy. Let's discuss what it means to be a good steward.
What is a "steward"? The answer may surprise you! Part 4
The term steward doesn’t come up often in daily conversation. But, if you’re a follower of Jesus, that’s exactly what you are!