The wisdom of mercy Part 8
Greek thought viewed mercy as pity for those who were suffering unjustly. But Jesus introduced a new concept, mercy for those who are in trouble, even if that trouble is their own fault. We’ll see how the combined “good fruits” of wisdom ultimately reach their maturity in a harvest of mercy.
How Jesus comforts us Part 5
On the eve of His death, Jesus had an intimate meal with His disciples, and He loved them to the end. The disciples had no idea what plans Jesus had for them. Join us for a rich discussion about how Jesus comforted His disciples, and us!
How to have peace during times of confusion Part 4
When things are in disarray, where do we set our sights? Join us today as we talk about the hope to come, and how that reality can help us have peace now.
Discover an invitation from Jesus Part 3
Saying life is messy is an understatement for most of us! So is it possible for us to have peace about our life only when everything gets in order? Jesus said, "Let not your heart be troubled . . . trust Me."
Obtaining peace during times of conflict Part 1
Jesus said He came that we might have abundant life. The problem for us is that sometimes we think "abundant" means "easy." Join us for an encouraging conversation about the issue of peace during times of conflict. Incredible lessons can be learned from Jesus' last night with His disciples.
Gain an appreciation for the biblical characteristic of peace Part 6
We tend to think peace is the absence of conflict. But what if peace is quiet confidence in the midst of daily struggles? Let's explore another fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5.
Discover how to develop the fruit of the Spirit in your life Part 3
Love, joy, peace, patience; just a few of the fruits of the Spirit that we want more of in our lives. But how do we go about developing these qualities? Discover sound wisdom on biblical gardening. And the first step is to let God do the planting!
Discover how to reclaim a sense of biblical peace! Part 3
Life can reach a frenetic pace sometimes. Caught up in the craziness and hurry-up lifestyle, we can feel pushed and pulled in every direction. It’s a look at God’s call to “be still.”
Let’s discuss the confidence we have in the presence and goodness of God Part 1
We may wake up fully convinced that we’re safe, protected, and cared for. But as the day’s trials begin, our confidence sometimes withers away. Let's turn to Psalm 46 and find true security in the presence and goodness of God.
Let’s look at Paul’s life for encouragement on finding peace in the midst of suffering Part 17
Just because we follow Christ doesn’t mean we’re exempt from pain, grief, or hardships. For proof, just ask the apostle Paul!
Discover Jesus’ instructions for finding peace Part 11
If you stop by your local bookstore, you’ll find dozens of books geared to help you overcome worry. But to find a lasting solution for our fears, we need to look to the ultimate authority of God’s Word. Discover practical application from the Sermon on the Mount.