Tag  |  People of the Bible – Elisha

Are there any urban legends in the Bible? Part 15

From Bigfoot to the Loch Ness Monster, urban legends abound! But what about in the Bible? Are there any myths or urban legends included in the Scriptures? Tune in today to Discover the Word as we talk about a remarkable story of bones healing someone. It’s the final chapter in “The Miraculous Life of Elisha,” today on Discover the Word!

How do we trust God in times of deep loss? Part 14

Losing someone is always hard. It can leave you feeling a bit paralyzed and like you don’t have a clue what to do. As the group discovers, the prophet Elisha knew this better than anyone. Today when the Discover the Word group gets together, they will lead the conversation on how we can trust God in times of deep loss. They’re…

Demolition or opportunity Part 13

It’s all a matter of perspective. Demolition can be seen as destruction or it can be seen as an opportunity. And as we’ll see today on Discover the Word, God will demolish anything that stands between Him and His people. But is demolition the end goal? An encouraging truth the group can’t wait to share with you right here on…

God’s got a plan for good Part 12

No one likes being the bearer of bad news. And as the Discover the Word  group discovers in their study of “The Miraculous Life of Elisha,” Elisha probably didn’t either. But as we’ll see today, God’s got a plan for good, even when it just seems like more bad news. Join us today on Discover the Word!

Understanding what’s happening now . . . later Part 11

Have you ever watched a movie or TV show or read a book that didn’t seem to make sense until you got to the end? Sometimes we only understand what’s happening now . . . later. Today on Discover the Word, the group will show us how God’s plan for “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” made sense in the end. Listen…

The Christian's dilemma of having dual citizenship Part 10

Christians face an interesting dilemma, living as dual citizens of both the country of their residence and the kingdom of God. So, how can we respect those in authority over us on earth, while also being faithful to the God of heaven? That’s a problem that Elisha faced in the book of Second Kings. Tune in today for another important conversation in…

Being a part of God’s “upside down” kingdom Part 9

The Bible tells us that often God’s ways are not our ways. And maybe nowhere is that clearer than in “The Miraculous Life of Elisha.” Join us today on Discover the Word as we’ll be unpacking what it means to be a part of God’s “upside down” kingdom. Challenge your assumptions today, right here on Discover the Word!

God’s power is greater still Part 8

Even when God’s people seem without hope, God’s power is greater still. With God, nothing is impossible. That’s another lesson we learn from “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” today on Discover the Word. Join us as we learn that when God speaks, there is always hope.

Scriptures that beg the question, “Why did we need to know that?” Part 7

Sometimes, you come across a section of the Bible that makes you do a double-take. Why did we need to know that? Today on Discover the Word, we’ll have a conversation on one such passage. It’s a disturbing part of “The Miraculous Life of Elisha.” Don’t miss it today on Discover the Word!

How do we treat our enemies? Part 6

Today on Discover the Word, the group explores together one of the most difficult questions in the Bible: How do we treat our enemies? Is it any different from how we most often want to treat our enemies? You won’t want to miss this conversation in the Discover the Word series about “The Miraculous Life of Elisha.”

God, Elisha, and miracles Part 5

Miracles can be weird! Flaming chariots, healing leprosy, by their very definition, miracles aren’t things that happen every day! So how do we understand the many miracles God performed through the life of the Old Testament prophet Elisha? Today on Discover the Word, we continue the series on “The Miraculous Life of Elisha.” Tune in today on Discover the Word!


God knows your future Part 4

Today on Discover the Word the group focuses on a keen insight into the obvious that we find throughout the Bible—God knows the future, and we don’t. Another example of that as we look at the “Miraculous Life of Elisha” once again today. You’ll be encouraged . . . right here  on Discover the Word!

Is God concerned with the small things? Part 3

How concerned is God with the small, everyday things in our lives? Well, today on Discover the Word as we look back at “The Miraculous Life of Elisha,” we see how concerned God was with the loss of a borrowed tool. The miracle of the floating ax head—discover what that’s all about when you listen to Discover the Word!

Is God your “number one”? Part 2

Following God isn’t always easy, but one thing we can be pretty sure of is that when we’re “looking out for number one,” and that number one is me, we’re headed down a wrong path. Today on Discover the Word, the group digs into “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” to find out who “number one” always is. Don’t miss today on…

“The Miraculous Life of Elisha” Part 1

Today on Discover the Word, the group kicks off another segment in an ongoing series on the life of the Old Testament prophet Elisha. His was definitely an amazing life, so be part of the group as they explore “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” together. Be encouraged by God’s amazing power, today on Discover the Word!

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