Tag  |  People of the Bible – Peter

Virtues that should be present in the life of a believer Part 10

In Second Peter chapter one, we find a list of virtues that the apostle Peter says should be present in the lives of those who have a relationship with Christ. Today on Discover the Word, the group suggests there’s a foundational virtue that provides the base for all the others. Hear the conclusion of the series on “The Wisdom of…

Growing closer to God through life’s trials Part 9

Nothing deepens your relationship with the Lord like having Him walk through a difficult situation with you. Perhaps you’re going through a tough time right now. Today on Discover the Word,  the group will share how they’ve grown closer to God through the trials in their lives and how those seasons brought them greater compassion for others. Be listening today,…

Enduring the trials of life Part 8

What are you struggling with today? What burden would you love to get off your back? Today on Discover the Word, the group will offer biblical encouragement for enduring the trials and tough times that turn our lives upside down. Get an inspiring boost to keep going, today on Discover the Word!

How our faith in Christ helps us be to be patient Part 7

Life has a way of pushing our buttons. People, pressures, and overwhelming priorities can really stretch our patience! Today on Discover the Word, we will explore how to experience God’s kind of patience in our daily life. We’re looking at Second Peter chapter 1 today on Discover the Word!

When the Spirit of God is at work in our lives Part 6

You’ve taken the first step and given your life to Christ. But how does that really impact your daily life? Today on Discover the Word, we continue a thought-provoking study in Second Peter with a helpful discussion about what it looks like when the Spirit of God is at work in our lives because of our relationship with Jesus. Be listening…

How are followers of Jesus different? Part 5

You don’t have to believe in God in order to be a good person. So how are followers of Jesus different from everyone else who’s trying to do “the right thing”? Well, today on Discover the Word, we will look for the answer. And we'll find it in a chain of virtues in Second Peter chapter 1, today on Discover the Word.

Prescription for a fruitful faith Part 4

It would be a terrible waste to accept God’s grace, yet live a barren life. So how can a Christian see more of Jesus active in their life? Thursday on Discover the Word, we examine Second Peter chapter 1 and find a biblical prescription for a fruitful faith! An exciting study coming up today on Discover the Word!

Working in partnership with God Part 3

They say that, “God helps those who help themselves.” That may not be in the Bible, but isn’t that often true? Well, today on Discover the Word, we will look at how our diligence and God’s assistance work together in partnership. Join the group today on Discover the Word!

The importance of committing truth to memory Part 2

In a song. Word pictures. Repetition. These are all ways to commit important information to memory. Today on Discover the Word, we explore one memory device the apostle Peter used to highlight some important spiritual truths. We’re looking at Second Peter chapter 1,  today on Discover the Word!

Peter: an unlikely follower of the Lord Part 1

Jesus often chose some of the most unlikely characters to follow Him and spread the good news of the gospel. Today on Discover the Word, we will gather around the table to begin a study of the wisdom of the apostle Peter . . . an unlikely follower of the Lord who left a legacy of faith! Be listening today to…

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