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Ruth’s remarkable step of faith and trust Part 23

Faith in God can take you to unexpected places. For Ruth, it meant moving to a foreign land, with no prospect of finding a husband or starting a family.

Enjoy This Special Edition On Chapters Three And Four Of The Book Of Ruth Part 4

The book of Ruth is a rich story of faith and love. Let's read from chapters three and four out of the book of Ruth.

Get More From The Scriptures As You Begin This New Series On The Book Of Ruth Part 1

The Bible was written for all of us, not merely for pastors and scholars. Everyone has the ability and invitation to learn from the Scriptures! Do you want to get more out of your Bible reading? Join us as we kick off a new series on the book of Ruth.

Practical Tools For Really Understanding The Truth Of Scripture Part 24

As you read the stories in the Bible, you may find yourself imagining what it would have been like to sit across the table from Jesus, hearing His teaching firsthand. We’re getting face to face with the stories of Jesus.

Letting The Scriptures Change Our Actions And Attitudes Part 17

It’s not always easy to put God’s Word into practice in our lives. Take a practical look at the life-changing Scriptures.

Guidelines For Accurately Interpreting The Scriptures Part 51

It’s all too easy to take an illustration from the Bible and turn it into a principle God never intended. The danger comes in taking that principle and misapplying it to our daily lives.

It Can Be Dangerous To Take A Bible Promise And Misapply It In Our Lives Part 48

Take a commonly used part of Scripture and walk through the process of how it should, and shouldn’t, be applied to our lives.

How We Apply The Bible To Our Lives Affects Our Outlook On Life Part 45

Perhaps you’ve heard the axiom, “Attitude is everything.” Learn how to enhance your quiet time with God.

Practical Tools For Digging Deeper Into God’s Word Part 44

Just as schoolchildren learn how to enhance their study time for class, we can get more out of our study of the Bible by applying helpful disciplines, too.

Practical Tools For Understanding And Interpreting The Bible Accurately Part 38

It’s easy to misinterpret biblical passages when we don’t have a solid understanding of how to study the Bible. We may miss out on the very thing God wants to teach us!

Hear The Beautiful Expressions Of Listeners' Psalms Part 21

If you were asked to take a pen and paper . . . and write out the psalm of your life . . . what words would you choose to express your heart to God? Well, that was the challenge given to men and women just like you.

A Practical Lesson On Hebrew Poetry . . . Even Some Tips On How To Write Our Own Psalms Part 18

Did you know that half of the Old Testament is written in poetic language? And yet, few of us have the expertise on how to fully appreciate the elegance and depth of these sometimes-mysterious passages.

A Step-by-step Process To Unveil The Clear And Beautiful Message In A Psalm Part 16

Poetry is like a jigsaw puzzle. Sometimes it’s hard to make out a clear picture of the poem unless you understand how each line fits together. Listen for tips on how to get more from your Bible reading.

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