The cross of Christ was always the plan Part 5
Why do Christians focus on the cross? It might seem morbid to some, but as we’ll see today on Discover the Word, “The Wondrous Cross” is where God’s carefully laid plans came to fruition. We’ll discover as we look beyond the cross to what it accomplished, that the cross of Christ was always “Plan A.” Listen to the Good Friday conversation…
A wondrous plan hundreds of years in the making Part 4
Today on Discover the Word, we continue our study called “The Wondrous Cross,” a place of seeming contradictions. How could a cross—a Roman execution rack—be “wondrous”? It begins to make sense when you realize it was all part of the plan, spelled out hundreds of years earlier. We’re seeing how Christ fulfills the ancient prophecy of Isaiah 53. Be part…
The “Wondrous Cross” Part 3
What would you say causes you the most pain in life? And do you ever wonder where Jesus is in your pain? Today on Discover the Word, the team gathers to discuss one of the hardest questions we face as Christians. We find the answer at the “Wondrous Cross.” Listen to Discover the Word!
“A man of sorrows, acquainted with grief” Part 2
“A man of sorrows, acquainted with grief” is a description that not only helps us understand why Jesus can help us when we hurt, but it also shows that His heart breaks for a world lost in sin. Today on Discover the Word, we will talk about why the rejection Jesus endured can help us think of the cross as, “The Wondrous Cross.”…
Christ fulfills the Old Testament prophecy of Isaiah 53 Part 1
When Christ was crucified, the people who thought He was the Messiah were undoubtedly surprised! Yet, God had actually provided plenty of advance notice that it was going to happen! Today on Discover the Word, we will dig into one Old Testament prophecy that could have helped them make sense of what was happening. It’s an amazing revelation of how…
Fully embracing Christmas Part 5
At first glance, the story of a young virgin becoming pregnant by the Spirit of God sounds, well, crazy. And it is until the gold standard of proof is given in Matthew chapter one. Today on Discover the Word, we will talk about an Old Testament passage in Isaiah that’s repeated in Matthew—providing evidence of a divinely orchestrated plan to…
Joseph chose to lay his power down Part 3
When Joseph discovered that his fiancée, Mary, was pregnant, ancient Jewish law gave him the option of having her publicly stoned to death. Yet while that was his right, it wasn’t his heart. Today on Discover the Word, we continue the discussion of Joseph’s role in the Christmas story. In a first-century patriarchal world, Joseph had all the power and yet…
Joseph's role in the Christmas story Part 2
Any man would be both angry and brokenhearted to learn that his fiancée was pregnant and he’s not the father. Today on Discover the Word, we will look at the role Joseph played in the Christmas story. The seeming not-so-good news of Mary’s pregnancy hit him hard for several reasons causing him to have to make some painful choices. Join…
Looking at Jesus's family tree Part 1
You know, for many, it’s a tradition to read the Christmas story aloud at family Christmas celebrations. But most of the time we skip over the loooong genealogy that precedes it in Matthew’s telling of the story! Well, today the Discover the Word team will be looking at Jesus’s family tree for a very important reason. Listen as we begin a new series…
The motive behind Jesus laying down his life Part 5
Why we do something is as important as how we do something. That’s because motive matters. Today on "Discover the Word," we talk about Jesus’s motive for laying down His life on the cross. Hebrews 12 tells us that it was “for the joy that was set before Him.” But what was that joy? It’s all wrapped up in the words “It is finished.” Listen to the Good Friday edition of "Discover the Word."
The perfect sacrifice completed on the cross Part 4
Jesus’s death on the cross appeared to be a failed rescue mission. Yet, His final words, “It is finished,” meant the perfect sacrifice had been completed once and for all. Today on "Discover the Word," we will explore the ancient Jewish context of sacrifice. It will give you a deeper understanding of Christ’s atonement for your own sins. That’s today on "Discover the Word"!
Dashed expectations Part 3
Everyone experiences dashed expectations. We expect things to finish one way, but they turn out completely different. Today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss how the Jewish people had trouble accepting Jesus as the Messiah because they expected Him to come as a conquering king. Instead, He came as a suffering servant. Join the discussion today on "Discover the Word"!
Touching the lives of those around us Part 2
This week, we’re remembering how Jesus came to earth and died on the cross for our sins. But today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss how part of Jesus’s mission was also to touch the lives of people in front of Him, day by day, moment by moment. And that’s our mission too, it’s all part of fulfilling the work He’s called us to do. An insightful conversation today on "Discover the Word"!
A magnificent masterpiece of finishing well! Part 1
In the first-century Roman world, to be crucified meant your life did not “finish well.” Only the worst of criminals were executed on a cross. Today on "Discover the Word," we begin a new study for Easter called, “It Is Finished.” Jesus’s crucifixion was a horrible picture that turned into a magnificent masterpiece that gives us hope that we can finish well! Join us today on "Discover the Word"!
Spending your life in a holding pattern? Part 5
Today on "Discover the Word," we will talk about how we often spend our time thinking about the “not yet” at the expense of the “already here.” In the spiritual sense, many believers view life as what they’ve got to get through to go to heaven. They in many ways spend their lives in a holding pattern. But in Psalm 23 we’re told that His goodness and mercy will follow us each and every day of our lives.