Let’s turn to God’s Word for some insight on what makes a good dad Part 1
Being a dad is a tough job. It seems everyone has a different opinion on what qualities make up a good father. Hear a study in Mark chapter 9.
See how our view of God impacts our relationships Part 28
Both moms and dads have qualities and characteristics that set them apart. And together, both parents can mirror God’s love and fatherly character to their children. Let's examine Jesus’ prayer, "Our Father who art in heaven."
How the church can support those dealing with abuse in the home Part 47
We live in a fallen world. And Christian homes aren’t immune to abuse and suffering. Let's wrestle with the difficult subject of domestic abuse and how the church can help those dealing with it.
Biblical wisdom and hope for struggling relationships Part 46
Not all marriage relationships are positive and uplifting. Let's take an honest look at some of the more challenging moments in marriage. Perhaps your relationship is struggling right now.
Confronting someone who’s in the wrong Part 17
It isn’t easy confronting someone who’s in the wrong. Let's study Matthew chapter 18, and find that when confrontation is needed, it should be done in the spirit of restoring the relationship.
Practical ways to repair a broken relationship Part 16
It’s not easy confronting someone who’s hurt you. It’s difficult to look past the heartache and extend forgiveness.
Discover what it means to be a steward Part 7
What are your strengths? Perhaps you’re good with computers, or hospitality comes naturally to you. Encouragement for followers of God to use the gifts He’s bestowed on them for His glory.
Uncovering the truth behind restoring relationships Part 29
Forgiveness and reconciliation take a lot of endurance and courage. But through the grace of God, restoration is possible!
Discover the power in the loving, forgiving life of a follower of Christ Part 28
It’s not uncommon, when we’ve been hurt, to respond by lashing out, to crave retribution for the pain that’s been caused. But God says there’s a better way.
How to find freedom from bitterness in hurtful situations Part 27
What happens when someone has wounded you deeply, and you’ve confronted them, but they won’t acknowledge the pain they’ve caused?
How repentance plays a key role in our ability to forgive Part 26
Is forgiveness unconditional? Join the “Discover the Word” team along with a special guest, as they discuss the timely topic of repentance and forgiveness.
Experiencing Christ’s forgiveness and extending it to others Part 25
There are times when forgiveness seems impossible. You may be in a fractured relationship right now, unsure if things can be mended.
Discover the importance of repenting when we’re wrong, and forgiving when we’ve been wronged Part 24
Within the church family, there’s potential for deep love, and deep pain.
A dramatic illustration about what it means to truly turn from your sin Part 15
What does true repentance look like? And how do you know when it’s sincere? Concluding our conversations dealing with four factors present in true repentance.