The Lord’s Supper, And What Communion Represents To Followers Of God Part 8
If we’re not paying attention, it’s easy for us to let things lose their significance. Sometimes we go through the motions, for instance, and miss celebrating the transforming power of Christ’s death on the cross.
How Can Two People Witness The Same Event And Come Away With Completely Different Impressions? Part 1
One person may see the evidence of Christ and start believing in Him, while another sees the same evidence and turns away. Let's unravel this two-sided mystery.
Having A Hard Time Sharing Christ With Others? Part 78
For many of us, declaring our faith in front of an audience is a frightening prospect. In an unbelieving culture, it can be difficult to boldly share your beliefs.
The Implications Of Believing In God’s Victory Over Death Part 77
Death is a source of fear for many people. It’s something none of us can avoid. And yet, Christ has conquered death! It’s a profound statement that deeply affects each of our lives.