How to connect Spirit-filled worship with honoring God’s name Part 23
There’s power in a moving worship service. The stirring music, the congregation lifting praises to the Lord. Gaining a better understanding of the Lord’s Prayer not only strengthens our prayer life, it can also impact our times of worship.
The impact of cheapening God’s name and how it affects future generations Part 22
Our culture flings the name of the Lord around as if its value was worthless. Let's “hallow” the Lord in what we say and do!
How God’s presence should impact the prayers of His people Part 21
Holy, consecrated, sacred, revered. These are words that describe the majesty of God. Yet so often we approach God while on the run. We shout a request or two with little to no acknowledgement of who we’re actually talking to!
Discover what a genuine conversation with God looks like Part 20
In Matthew chapter 6, Jesus taught us to approach prayer with a sense of respect for God. But too often we rush into prayer, verbalize a quick request or two, and then run off to the next assignment. Enjoy this heart-to-heart talk.
An encounter with Jesus can help us realign our priorities! Part 19
What’s taking priority in your thoughts these days? Maybe it’s your finances, or a child that’s straying from the straight and narrow.
God’s heart is to have one-on-one time with you Part 18
At its foundation, prayer is an opportunity to talk with God. When we get wrapped up in the trappings of who we should pray with and when we should pray, we’re really missing the point!
Proof that prayer can be concise and meaningful Part 17
Has prayer become monotonous and routine? Long, repetitious, and ultimately boring? In reality, Jesus modeled short, vibrant prayers that simply cover the essentials.
The significance of honoring God first and foremost Part 16
Jesus teaches that the first thing you do in prayer is say “Hallowed be Your name.” It’s an acknowledgment that we’re putting God first.
Discover what God's name represents Part 15
Does your name have a special meaning behind it? Perhaps you were named in honor of a family member. A fresh perspective on Jesus’ prayer, Hallowed be your name.
What does it mean to “hallow” God’s name? Part 14
Let's discuss the first command in the Lord’s Prayer, Hallowed be your name. What does it mean for our lives today?
Who God is, and how we can relate to Him Part 13
Just as two very different music notes played together can make a beautiful chord, the words Heaven and Father are harmonious!
Let’s examine the characteristics of our heavenly Father, by looking at the Son, Jesus! Part 12
It’s sometimes easy to confuse our heavenly Father with our earthly father. That’s why we need to go to Scripture to clearly understand the attributes of God.
How God defines Himself as father, and how this influences our relationship with Him Part 11
Calling God Dad implies a loving relationship. But if our earthly father was less than ideal, it can negatively impact our view of the Lord.
Let’s look at Jesus’ teaching on prayer in the Sermon on the Mount Part 10
Perhaps you grew up with a kind and loving dad, or maybe you’re still trying to forget the pain your father caused you. No matter what your experience has been, there’s much to learn about our heavenly Father.
God’s immense love as our heavenly Father Part 9
Fathers should guide us, teach us, and, ultimately, love us unconditionally. That’s what makes God the perfect dad!