Tag  |  Sin

Let’s look at why every family needs the healing touch of the Savior Part 7

Whether it’s a troubled marriage, rebellious children, or generational sin, we may think our brokenness is unusual for a Christian family. Discover that family fractures are typical in every home! Let's look at "The Beauty of Broken."

Is it possible to see Jesus even in a person like Samson? Part 4

You may have grown up hearing the story of Samson and Delilah. The mistakes and poor decisions Samson made seem to live on in infamy. In truth, his life serves as a cautionary tale about indulging our sinful desires.

Discover how God used Samson’s sins and failures to accomplish a greater purpose Part 3

There are some mistakes we may think are past redemption. But when God’s involved, He can use even those most wayward decisions to further His plan! A message of hope.

The issue of sin in the life of the faithful follower of Christ Part 27

No matter how hard we try, we can’t be all good all the time. But just a little faith in a powerful God makes all the difference!

An eye-opening conversation about the Devil and his schemes Part 11

Temptation is often cloaked in goodness, enticing us to accept its siren call without regard to the consequences. Let's look at how Satan uses temptations to cause us to turn away from God.

Discover how temptation is really a choice, to either love God or to go against Him Part 10

Cornered with an enticing temptation, and seeing no way out, it’s easy to believe that giving in is the only option. Another interesting study on the role of the Ten Commandments.

Find out how the Ten Commandments can offer us true freedom Part 9

According to the “Discover the Word” team, sin is a desire to be free from God. Let's study the Ten Commandments and discover that instead of restricting us, they actually offer us true freedom.

How a study of the Ten Commandments can reveal sin, and lead us to freedom in Christ Part 8

The annual visit to the doctor’s office can be an unpleasant experience. But that check-up could be the very thing that saves our life!

Discover what the apostle Paul said about the Law Part 7

No matter our age, rules and regulations have an uncanny way of making rebels out of the best of us. Do you think it's true, the more we’re told not to do something, the more we want to do it? An interesting study of the Ten Commandments.

Discover who’s really behind the sin that so easily entangles us Part 56

When we’re surrounded by temptation and there seems to be no way out, it’s easy to think God is setting us up for failure. A look at the Garden of Eden.

A story about sin, fairness, and grace Part 43

Sin comes with a cost, our mistakes often bring consequences. But does forgiveness wipe the entire slate clean? Biblical answers to important questions on forgiveness.

Discussion on the delicate issue of reconciliation Part 19

Unfortunately, the church doesn’t always deal with sin in the most forgiving manner. At times it may even seem easier to shun a person rather than foster reconciliation. Let's review Matthew chapter 18.

Why do people allow sin to control their lives? Part 18

When we live in sin for a long time, it can be more comfortable to stay where we are than to find freedom from what’s holding us captive.

Discover practical ways we can work with God to deal with lust Part 17

If you, or someone you know, has struggled with pornography and lustful thoughts, you’re aware of how hard it is to find freedom on your own!

What Jesus said about lust, and getting our hearts and minds into alignment with God’s original plan Part 16

Our culture has distorted God’s good gift of human sexuality. But there’s a way to find freedom from sexual sin!

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