Tag  |  Suffering

Praying when crushed by sorrow Part 5

Long ago one believer wrote about God, saying, "He has broken my teeth with gravel." These are stark words! Today on "Discover the Word," our hosts and our special guest, Jean Syswerda, provide a frank and striking discussion about suffering and praying the psalms in sorrow.

How can we be confident in the security of God? Part 4

Even though God has promised to always be with us, we still experience pain, suffering, and hardships. So how can we be confident in the security of God? Discover the answer to that question today in our study of Psalm 91.

Where is lasting hope? Part 3

No one enjoys going through hard times, but God's Word shows us that it's in seasons of suffering that we find lasting hope. Join us today on "Discover the Word" for another eye-opening conversation.

A candid reaction to trials and God’s loving response to the pain Part 4

Scripture doesn't sugarcoat suffering. The Bible is fearlessly honest when it shows us real-life responses to painful situations. Listen in today for an encouraging study as we continue following Ruth and her story.

Discover where God is when bad things happen Part 3

Where is God when life falls apart? It's an honest question we all ask in times of suffering. Join us as we study the Old Testament story of Ruth and Naomi to discover the answer to this question.

Discover why suffering is not always the result of sin Part 6

We often equate pain with punishment. When something goes wrong in our life, we often assume it’s because we did something wrong. Let's study the example of Job, which challenges our thoughts about both justice and mercy.

Why it’s fruitful to believe that God knows us individually Part 4

Faith means trusting that God knows how much we can handle, even when we’re in the midst of difficult circumstances. Perhaps you’re wondering if your trial is more than you can bear.

Let’s tackle the question “Where is God when I hurt?” Part 2

With so much pain and brokenness in the world, have you ever felt like God is indifferent to suffering? Like He knows where we’re hurting, but still remains distant? More from our study in Job.

Job’s place in Scripture, and the lessons we can learn from this story of faith Part 1

Compared to the uplifting or encouraging books of the Bible, the book of Job seems to stand out like a sore thumb.

Discover Jesus’ response to a suffering father and son Part 5

When trials overwhelm us and we reach the end of our rope, the question we often ask is, “Lord, don’t You care?” Let's study Jesus’ response to that important question. We find His answer in Mark chapter 9. Hear the conclusion of our series.

Jesus’ interaction with a sick child and a worried dad struggling to have faith Part 3

When our son or daughter is sick all we want to do is take away their pain. We try to soothe the sickness away. But sometimes the illness is so severe, we’re rendered helpless.

Discover the lengths to which Jesus went to prove His love for us Part 4

Love is an over-used word these days. We use it to express our affection for a spouse, or to show appreciation for a really good dinner! But what does it mean to truly love someone?

Let’s look at Paul’s life for encouragement on finding peace in the midst of suffering Part 17

Just because we follow Christ doesn’t mean we’re exempt from pain, grief, or hardships. For proof, just ask the apostle Paul!

Biblical hope can encourage us, despite the reality of suffering in our lives Part 13

When life is good, trusting God doesn’t require much effort. But when life gets tough, maintaining our faith in God’s goodness is much more difficult.

Understanding the persecution that ordinary Christians face every day Part 30

When we hear the word persecution we often correlate it to the early church martyrs who lived centuries ago. It’s foreign, and far removed from our world today.

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