Tag  |  Temptation

Using strategic weapons to be victorious Part 5

When are we most susceptible to temptation? Today on Discover the Word, we'll hear the encouraging conclusion of the series titled “The Temptation of Jesus.” Although temptations are inevitable and come in a variety of forms, we are discussing the one thing you’ll find at the heart of each one. Don’t let temptation rule your life! Use the strategic weapon Jesus…

How Jesus conquered temptation Part 4

Does the devil really cause us to sin? Well today on Discover the Word,  the team will examine the Bible for ways that temptation can invade our lives, and discover that often there is a spiritual entry point. You’re invited to discover how Jesus conquered temptation. It’s part of this week’s series titled “The Temptation of Jesus.” Listen right here as…

Effective strategy for victory Part 3

Have you ever “let your emotions get the better of you”? Well, temptation can often find an emotional entry point in our life that makes it difficult to resist. Today on Discover the Word, we find that Jesus felt the lure of temptation too, but employed an effective strategy for victory. It’s another encouraging discussion about “The Temptation of Jesus.” Hear…

Exposing the devil’s playbook Part 2

Temptation can sneak up on us. But we don’t have to give in! Today on Discover the Word, we explore “The Temptation of Jesus” in Luke chapter 4 to expose the devil’s playbook. We’ll unmask the trying physical entry points for temptation. Listen today for tactics to fight temptation Jesus’s way on Discover the Word!

The Temptation of Jesus Part 1

Today on Discover the Word, the team kicks off a new series about “The Temptation of Jesus.” Tune in to discover how Jesus successfully defeated temptation, and how that can help you better recognize and resist when Satan comes calling. There’s victory to be won so listen to Discover the Word today!

Discover Satan’s role in temptation, and how to avoid being drawn into his snare Part 12

Behind our political, economic, and social structures is another system at work in the world that has more control than we realize. It’s spiritual in nature and evil in purpose.

An eye-opening conversation about the Devil and his schemes Part 11

Temptation is often cloaked in goodness, enticing us to accept its siren call without regard to the consequences. Let's look at how Satan uses temptations to cause us to turn away from God.

Discover how temptation is really a choice, to either love God or to go against Him Part 10

Cornered with an enticing temptation, and seeing no way out, it’s easy to believe that giving in is the only option. Another interesting study on the role of the Ten Commandments.

Discover our enemy’s age-old schemes, so we won’t fall for them anymore! Part 55

Since the beginning of time, the Evil One has been using the same proven strategies to get us to fall into temptation!

The importance of praying “Lead us not into temptation” Part 54

What’s your weakness? Whether it’s chocolate cake, a corner office, or a pretty face, we all have things that tempt us at our most vulnerable points. A lesson on avoiding the pitfalls in life.

An insightful study on Jesus’ words, “Lead us not into temptation” Part 53

Temptation is all around us. And if we’re not careful, we’re liable to fall right into its trap! Let's suggest ways to avoid getting caught in the snare!

Take a practical look at dealing with temptation Part 52

As believers in Christ, we have an ancient foe doing all he can to trip us up. But thankfully, God has provided spiritual tools to combat our enemy and gain the victory!

Discover what it means to pray, “Lead us not into temptation” Part 49

It’s not uncommon to have questions when reading some of Jesus’ teaching. He often spoke in riddles and parables, which may seem foreign to those of us living in the twenty-first century! Let's discuss a puzzling request found in the Lord’s Prayer.

The Repercussions Of Putting Money Ahead Of Our Affection For God Part 59

When the love of money creeps into our hearts, we can lose our focus on the one true God.

A Timely Reminder Of Who’s Behind Temptation Part 56

We’re faced with temptation every day, whether it’s a tantalizing treat at the grocery store, or a Web site on the Internet.

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