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An eye-opening study on Jesus’ uncommon instruction for forgiveness found in the Lord’s Prayer Part 16

It’s a natural response to want to return evil for evil. But it’s a divine response to forgive those who injure us!

Let’s discuss the one debt we can escape from the right now Part 15

In this difficult economy, many people are struggling under the burden of debt. It’s uncomfortable knowing that we owe our creditors money every month. Jesus wipes away our spiritual debt! It’s a study of the phrase, “Forgive us our debts.”

Look at what the Lord’s Prayer has to say about the issue of sin and its remedy Part 14

Since the first bite of that forbidden fruit, sin has been a universal problem in need of an immediate solution. Don’t miss this thoughtful and honest conversation.

Gain a better understanding of what sin really is Part 13

It’s been said that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Let's look at a few biblical illustrations that help us gain a better understanding of what “sin” really is. Painting a challenging, but helpful portrait.

How Jesus lived out the Lord’s Prayer and how we can follow in His footsteps Part 12

As our ultimate example, we strive to follow Jesus’ model for working, eating, playing, and praying.

Let’s look at the ways God provides for His people today Part 11

When the Israelites asked God for bread, He brought down manna from the sky. But when we pray “Give us this day our daily bread” food doesn’t rain from the heavens! The Lord’s provision may be the same, but His methods are different.

Discover what our responsibility is for the “daily bread” we have Part 10

While many people in the world struggle to supply their basic needs, others are abundantly blessed. Let's explore why some are blessed with more.

How the Lord’s Prayer impacts our lives both when we’re in need, and when we have plenty Part 9

When your cupboards are stocked, your bank accounts sufficient, and your blessings abundant, can you sincerely pray for “daily bread”? A fresh take on Jesus’ words, “Give us this day our daily bread.”

Discover the importance of community in the Lord’s Prayer Part 8

When we choose to follow God we become part of the community of believers. As members of the larger body of Christ, we discover a whole new dimension to Jesus’ prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread.”

What Jesus meant when He said “Give us this day our daily bread” Part 7

When we go to the grocery store we buy enough to last us a week, or even a month! But in Jesus’ day, people had to find provision on a daily basis.

Tangible ways followers of God can respond to the needs in their community Part 5

All throughout the world there are families in need. There are homes that don’t have food on the table every night.

Personal experiences of God meeting us in our deepest need Part 4

Our economy is struggling. Jobs are scarce. Families are tightening their belts, trying to make ends meet. Perhaps you feel the pinch in your own home.

Finding the implications of Jesus’ prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread” Part 3

It’s hard to imagine that the God of the universe cares about our smallest needs. Yet Scripture reminds us that not only does He care, but we can trust Him to provide!

Discover that the Lord still cares about providing for His children today Part 2

When you read the biblical accounts of Jesus’ life, you witness His immense love for people, and His desire to provide for their basic needs.

Enjoy a musical theme to the Lord’s Prayer that brings Jesus’ words to life Part 1

Jesus’ instruction on prayer in Matthew chapter six has become an integral part of Christian teaching. But when the words become routine, their meaning can be lost.

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