Tag  |  The Lord’s Prayer

Entering God’s kingdom doesn’t require us to jump through any hoops Part 33

Exclusive clubs and organizations have stringent requirements for candidates to complete before joining.

Let’s take a closer look at the perplexing timeline of God’s kingdom Part 32

Jesus said the kingdom of God was at hand. And yet, centuries later, we’re still praying the words of the Lord’s Prayer, Thy kingdom come. So how is it possible for God’s kingdom to be established already, and at the same time not here yet?

Looking to the Scriptures for direction on what Jesus meant when He prayed “Thy kingdom come” Part 31

When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He prayed that God’s kingdom would come. Over the centuries men and women have hypothesized about the meaning behind Jesus’ words.

Does it really make a difference if we pray? Part 30

Can prayer impact a nation teetering on economic disaster? Does it really make a difference if we pray for our nation and its leaders? Your prayers really do make a difference!

Discover timely encouragement on how to grow in prayer Part 29

Prayer can be a struggle at times. In Luke chapter 11 we see that even Jesus’ disciples needed a little coaching! When it’s tough to find the words to say, or how to say them, Jesus gave us a guidepost to follow!

See how our view of God impacts our relationships Part 28

Both moms and dads have qualities and characteristics that set them apart. And together, both parents can mirror God’s love and fatherly character to their children. Let's examine Jesus’ prayer, "Our Father who art in heaven."

Let's look at the word pictures in Scripture to discover what it means for God to be our heavenly Father Part 27

God is a shield to those under attack. He’s a lion to those needing courage. But Jesus gave us an important lesson when He told us that God is our Father.

Another fascinating look at "Our Father" as used in the Lord’s Prayer Part 26

God doesn’t hide behind a cloak of secrecy, He wants us to know Him! Let's discuss the different metaphors God uses to describe Himself.

To truly honor God, we must understand who He is! Part 25

When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, His first order of business was a reminder to honor the Lord.

How the Lord’s Prayer draws us to the heart of worship Part 24

Worship isn’t just a song sung in church. It carries us along into the very presence of God. The Lord's Prayer draws us to the heart of worship, by "hallowing" God and putting Him first.

How to connect Spirit-filled worship with honoring God’s name Part 23

There’s power in a moving worship service. The stirring music, the congregation lifting praises to the Lord. Gaining a better understanding of the Lord’s Prayer not only strengthens our prayer life, it can also impact our times of worship.

The impact of cheapening God’s name and how it affects future generations Part 22

Our culture flings the name of the Lord around as if its value was worthless. Let's “hallow” the Lord in what we say and do!

How God’s presence should impact the prayers of His people Part 21

Holy, consecrated, sacred, revered. These are words that describe the majesty of God. Yet so often we approach God while on the run. We shout a request or two with little to no acknowledgement of who we’re actually talking to!

Discover what a genuine conversation with God looks like Part 20

In Matthew chapter 6, Jesus taught us to approach prayer with a sense of respect for God. But too often we rush into prayer, verbalize a quick request or two, and then run off to the next assignment. Enjoy this heart-to-heart talk.

An encounter with Jesus can help us realign our priorities! Part 19

What’s taking priority in your thoughts these days? Maybe it’s your finances, or a child that’s straying from the straight and narrow.

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