Tag  |  tough questions

Prayer is a privilege Part 5

When we’re not in a good place spiritually, prayer can seem like drudgery. So, do we stop praying? Today on "Discover the Word," we discuss how our access to God is not based on what we’ve done or how we feel, it’s based on Christ. How understanding that we have an “all-access” pass to God can make prayer a privilege, not a burden, is what we’ll discover today on "Discover the Word"!

Our prayers are powerful Part 4

Do you sometimes feel like your prayers hit the ceiling and stop there? Or do you think because God is sovereign and will do what He wants, there’s no point in even trying to pray? Today on "Discover the Word," the group explores why our prayers are powerful, even though exactly how that works remains a mystery. Join us today on" Discover the Word"!

Finding help in our time of need Part 3

Do you ever feel like no one understands or cares about your situation? Or they do care, but they’re powerless to help? Today on Discover the Word, we reveal how Jesus is the one Person we know who both cares and can help. And it’s why we can come boldly to His throne of grace, finding help in time of need. That’s our subject today on Discover the Word!

"Our sufficiency is from God" Part 2

On July 4, the U.S. will celebrate Independence Day. But today on "Discover the Word," the group will talk about how, as individual believers in Christ, we can celebrate Dependence Day. And that’s every day when we sincerely say, “Our sufficiency is from God.” Today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss the essence of prayer, complete dependence on God. Tune in today to "Discover the Word"!

"The Essence of Prayer" Part 1

What drives you to your knees in prayer? For many of us, it’s worry. This week on "Discover the Word," we are going to talk about “The Essence of Prayer.” When we’re desperate for relief from our anxieties, we often treat God like Mr. Fix It. But is a quick solution what God promises to give us? Join the group today on "Discover the Word"!

Context is king! Part 2

If your friends around the table could only give you one piece of advice about how to read and study the Bible, what do you think it would be? Most likely, it would be “Pay attention to the context!” and so today on "Discover the Word," we remember that context is king! Listen today on "Discover the Word"!

What to do with conflicting Bible verses Part 1

What are we to do with conflicting Bible verses like, “Don’t answer a fool according to his folly” and “Answer a fool according to his folly”? Today on "Discover the Word," we begin a “Discover the Word 101” conversation that can help you make sense of even apparent contradictions in the Bible! Join the group today on "Discover the Word"!

A miracle that demonstrates God’s provision Part 10

Today on "Discover the Word," we wind up a couple of weeks on “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” talking about a miracle that demonstrates God’s provision in a very personal way. Elisha’s miracles were largely public events. Until a distressed widow boldly asked Elisha to help her and her two sons. As we’ll see, the widow did what she could and through Elisha, God performed a miracle of multiplication. Another chapter in “The Miraculous Life of Elisha,” today on "Discover the Word"!

A surprisingly redemptive message Part 9

Today on "Discover the Word," we reveal yet another uncomfortable Bible story, one that involves child sacrifice. It’s a violent story, but one with a surprisingly redemptive message. Be part of the group as they continue to explore “The Miraculous Life of Elisha,” right here on "Discover the Word"!

Elisha’s miracle of displaying God’s mercy Part 8

It’s Christmas—a time when we sing about the three kings who came to worship Jesus. But today on "Discover the Word," we're going to discuss three kings of Israel who are not worth singing about—kings who worshiped pagan idols, yet still believed God would give them victory over their enemy, Moab. So why would Elisha perform a miracle displaying God’s mercy to them?

Elisha and the two bears Part 7

Here’s a bedtime story you probably wouldn’t read to your kids, the story of Elisha and the two bears. After a gang of young men mocked the prophet Elisha, two bears suddenly showed up and mauled forty-two of them. Well, today on "Discover the Word," we'll talk about this strange and disturbing event. Is it possible there’s more to this story than meets the eye? Join us today for "Discover the Word"!

Important lessons for our own lives Part 6

You’re invited to join the group today on "Discover the Word" as we explore a few Bible stories about water. John baptizing Jesus . . . Moses turning bitter waters into sweet . . . Christ at the well with the Samaritan woman . . . and the prophet Elisha purifying the waters of Jericho. It’s a theme that has important lessons for our own lives.

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