Tag  |  Tracey Bianchi

Discover ways to help those who are hurting Part 5

You may not recognize it immediately, but it’s possible that the person standing right next to you is wounded, broken, or struggling. Let's be willing dispensers of God’s grace. Hear a “best of” conversation from last year.

Why baptism is more than an individual commitment, it’s a communal declaration! Part 5

Have you ever noticed that baptism is always a public event? You never hear of someone baptizing themselves in the bathtub!

Discover how to live like sons and daughters of the King! Part 4

We may believe we’re cherished children of God. But do we live like it? Do you need to be reminded of your identity in Christ?

How God wants to use us to further His kingdom Part 3

It’s hard to believe that a perfect God would use imperfect people to accomplish His plans. But it’s true!

Embracing God’s transformative work in the traditions we practice Part 2

Baptism can be a powerful declaration of faith. But take God out of the equation, and baptism becomes simply an empty ritual. Gain a new perspective.

Discover why baptism is so special Part 1

Let's begin a brand-new conversation on a puzzling Christian practice. We’ll look at Jesus’ own baptism for the answer.

Why God sometimes forces His kids to be still Part 5

Parents know that young kids won’t volunteer to take naps. Even if a child is exhausted, he’ll resist slowing down. Often, mom and dad may have to make a child lay down! God knows when we need the rest!

Discover your place of refuge Part 4

Ever wished you had a secret place you could run to, in order to escape the chaos of life? Or to simply catch your breath? Well, discover that such a place exists, and is waiting for you!

Discover how to reclaim a sense of biblical peace! Part 3

Life can reach a frenetic pace sometimes. Caught up in the craziness and hurry-up lifestyle, we can feel pushed and pulled in every direction. It’s a look at God’s call to “be still.”

Let’s search Psalm 46 to learn exactly where God is when we need Him the most Part 2

“Where is God when life hurts?” It’s a question we’ve all asked at one time or another. The answer may surprise you! Join us for an eye-opening discussion.

Let’s discuss the confidence we have in the presence and goodness of God Part 1

We may wake up fully convinced that we’re safe, protected, and cared for. But as the day’s trials begin, our confidence sometimes withers away. Let's turn to Psalm 46 and find true security in the presence and goodness of God.

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