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Growing our relationship with God while we work Part 4

Today we continue looking at how we can honor God while on the job.

Who our real boss is Part 3

Imagine you're at work, and just a few steps from you, or in that office upstairs, was the Lord Jesus Himself! How would you work differently? Today our special guest Scott Rae reminds us that the Lord Jesus is on the job with us!

Work as God originally created it Part 2

A lot of people live for the weekend, dragging in to work on Monday and counting down to Friday. But God wants us to have a different attitude about our work week.

A new way of looking at your job Part 1

In our waking hours, we spend about eight to ten hours at work. Work occupies a large part of our lives. Today, special guest Scott Rae joins us to talk about our work as both a calling and a vocation. Listen in as we discuss some life-changing concepts.

How is God’s righteousness good news? Part 2

When we hear the phrase "God's righteousness," it could bring up some negative images. We can even picture an angry God looking to hammer us into submission! But today we will discuss why God's righteousness is worth sharing!

How to stay encouraged when going through dark valleys Part 5

Following God means we're never standing still for long. The walk of faith is a constant journey. When walking through dark valleys, remember, hope is just ahead!

Discover satisfaction by looking at the freedom of living generously Part 10

When it comes to generosity, fear often holds us back. Can we still provide for ourselves if we give some of what we have away? Let's look at the freedom of living generously. It's a radical change in perspective!

Discover the difference between LOVING and ENJOYING God's good gifts Part 8

We can take pleasure in the homes we live in, the food we eat, or the stuff we have. But if we do, does that mean we're overly materialistic? Join us as we continue exploring contentment.

Encouragement for when our hearts feel dormant Part 14

An experienced farmer knows there are seasons when crops flourish in the open air, and seasons when all growth happens underground. Even in our cold seasons, God is still at work, cultivating the fruits of Spirit.

Let’s tackle the question “Where is God when I hurt?” Part 2

With so much pain and brokenness in the world, have you ever felt like God is indifferent to suffering? Like He knows where we’re hurting, but still remains distant? More from our study in Job.

Embracing God’s one-of-a-kind design for our lives Part 29

It’s easy to go through the motions and mimic what other Christians are doing. But that would be missing God’s personal intentions for each of us! His unique plan for you!

Let’s look at the life of faith when your days feel monotonous Part 28

Do you ever find yourself getting bored with your daily routine? Wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to bed. Repeat the cycle. It’s easy to get into a rut!

The issue of sin in the life of the faithful follower of Christ Part 27

No matter how hard we try, we can’t be all good all the time. But just a little faith in a powerful God makes all the difference!

An insightful discussion on how our faith is, or isn’t, evident in the way we live Part 26

Are your personal beliefs easily seen in the way you live your life? Join us for this convicting discussion about faith.

God is trustworthy no matter what comes our way! Part 47

It’s encouraging to remember times when we personally experienced God’s provision . . . but unfortunately those memories don’t always keep us from doubting Him in the future!

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