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Finding our bearings when we feel forsaken by God Part 3

As strange as it seems, feeling forsaken by God is common to believers, but always painful. Join us today as we talk about finding our bearings by focusing on God's faithful deliverance in the past. What can we learn by looking back?

What does it mean to abide in the Lord? Part 2

"Abide." It's not a word that we use in everyday conversation, is it? But it's a term that has profound application for those who trust in God. Join us today as we continue our study in Psalm 91.

How real religion helps us survive tough times Part 5

In the book of James, we find a radical definition of religion. True religion is not simply knowing about God, but rather, trusting in God. Join us today on "Discover the Word" as we conclude our series on "Pure Religion."

Find powerful lessons for today, as we continue an in-depth look at the life of Ruth Part 5

Character greatly influences the choices we make. And when faced with the option to do the right thing, or go another way, integrity makes all the difference!

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