Tag  |  World missions

“Fear of the Lord” . . . what does it mean? Part 5

What does “fear of the Lord” mean? Does it mean we should cower and cringe . . . hoping that God won’t punish us for our mistakes? Today on Discover the Word, the team discusses a helpful way of thinking about what it means to “fear the Lord.” It’s kind of a surprising end to our study of Psalm 67…

To know God and make Him known Part 4

Fulfillment is found in many things, a challenging career, a happy family, or a fun hobby. But no matter what we occupy our time with, we need to remember our core mission, which is to know God and make Him known. Today on Discover the Word, the team discusses the joy that comes from helping others find their fulfillment in…

God wants to rescue all men and women! Part 3

How do you set your priorities? Today on Discover the Word, the team talks about why we should make it our priority to show the world God’s graciousness, His favor, and His love. It’s the same reason proclaimed in Psalm 67 . . . so that the world would know that God wants to rescue all men and women! A revealing…

His face shines upon us . . . and not just for our good Part 2

“Us four and no more and close the door!” Ever heard that expression? It means, “Lord, bless our little group,  because that’s all I’m concerned about!” But that’s not how God operates. Today on Discover the Word, our team continues their discussion on Psalm 67, showing us that God causes His face to shine upon us not just for our…

Bringing all nations into relationship with God Part 1

“Good morning, Mr. Phelps. Your mission, if you choose to accept, is to . . .” Once a Mission Impossible fan hears those words, they know they’re in for some excitement—in some part of the world. Today on Discover the Word, the team uncovers a tremendously important mission. It’s found in Psalm 67 and the purpose is clear: bring all nations into relationship with…

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