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Living lives of worship Part 5

Every culture on earth expresses itself through music! Today on Discover the Word, we welcome Nicole Unice back to the table one last time to talk about how God can even turn our lives into songs. They’re not talking about singing through life, but how God’s resounding glory reverberates in everyone who encounters Him. Living a doxology—listen today to “The…

“The Glory Effect” Part 4

Today on Discover the Word, the group joins author and speaker Nicole Unice for another installment of the series titled, “The Glory Effect.” Today’s topic is about the transformation you can experience when you truly encounter the glory of God. Listen right here on Discover the Word!

Glory is full of grace Part 3

When you hear “the glory of God,” you might think of radiant light and angelic choirs. But today on Discover the Word, we return for a visit with author Nicole Unice to discuss how God’s glory is marked by amazing grace. It’s part of the series titled, “The Glory Effect.” Listen today to Discover the Word!

Glory is full of truth Part 2

News coverage seems to thrive on a good scandal. Well, today on Discover the Word, we welcome author Nicole Unice back to the table to discuss a scandalous scene in the Bible. And this one involves Jesus. Could He be the one acting scandalously? Listen today on Discover the Word!


We have seen His glory Part 1

What do you think of when you hear, “the glory of God”?  Today on Discover the Word, our team joins author Nicole Unice in kicking off a new series titled, “The Glory Effect.” They’ll examine what God’s glory really is, and how it impacts you today. Listen to Discover the Word!

King of Glory! Part 5

Today on "Discover the Word," we will talk about what many popular and passionate modern worship songs communicate so beautifully, God is glorious! Even more, He’s the King of Glory. But who is the King of Glory? Quite simply, He’s Jesus! He’s the Lord Almighty, the Victorious and Conquering King. And one day our King will return to rule and reign in Jerusalem. And the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of His glory.

What is worship? Part 4

Today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss how worship isn’t just songs we sing on a Sunday morning. It’s a lifestyle that flows out of intimate relationship with God. We proclaim God’s worthiness through everyday interactions, for example, the way we treat others. Included in our daily worship is taking time to seek His face, meditating on the great love He poured out over us through the cross.

How do we see the coming King? Part 3

In verse four of Psalm 24 we’re told that only those with “clean hands” and a pure heart “qualify” to ascend to God’s holy hill. But who can possibly meet that standard? The answer is . . . no one. Today on "Discover the Word," we will talk about how David could not completely see the coming King as we see Him now. It’s because of Christ’s sacrifice that our hearts have been washed cleaned!

Creator King Part 2

New Agers often refer to “the universe” as though it was a separate entity, an impersonal force that guides their lives toward some vague, mystical purpose. Today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss God as the Creator King. As both Psalm 24 and John chapter one reveal, “the heavens and the earth” were created by God. So apart from its Creator, the universe has no power to determine anything.

Psalm 24: Written about a King Part 1

Psalm 24 is a song written by a king . . . David the king of Israel . . . about a king . . . Jesus, the King of Kings. And you’re invited to join us today on "Discover the Word" as we discuss this glorious psalm. In a constitutional republic, it’s hard to relate to the idea of a ruling monarch. But one day the King of Glory will descend to earth where He will reign over all mankind.

Let’s search Psalm 46 to learn exactly where God is when we need Him the most Part 2

“Where is God when life hurts?” It’s a question we’ve all asked at one time or another. The answer may surprise you! Join us for an eye-opening discussion.

Let’s discuss the confidence we have in the presence and goodness of God Part 1

We may wake up fully convinced that we’re safe, protected, and cared for. But as the day’s trials begin, our confidence sometimes withers away. Let's turn to Psalm 46 and find true security in the presence and goodness of God.

Have you transferred your issues with human authority over to God? Part 31

When we witness an abuse of power, it’s natural to question authority and be reserved in giving allegiance to those who lead us.

Receive powerful lessons for life from the book of Ruth Part 30

How we approach God is affected by the way we view Him. Is God your companion, your buddy, or the King over your life? Let's discuss our prayer life, and remember that God is on the throne!

Discover how culture and democracy shape our view of God and His Word Part 29

The culture you grew up in not only affects the way you view life, but it affects the way you read the Bible and respond to it.

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