Monday, September 8, 2008

The Rich Man and Lazarus, Part 16 of 28

Text: Luke 16:14-31

IDEA: Hearing the Word of God produces a radical reorientation and an evident change in life.

PURPOSE: To convince listeners that hearing God’s Word does not merely touch the fringes of life, but the core of life.

Why do you think Jesus closes the story by talking about the rich man’s five brothers?

There is the rule of final stress. Compare it to Luke 15 and the elder brother.

The five brothers are the only ones who still have a chance to act. The rich man’s fate is sealed, and Lazarus’s salvation is assured.

Whom do the five brothers represent?

Obviously, the Pharisees and the reader of the story.

I. What is it that the five brothers need to do that the sixth brother didn’t do?

The basic answer is that they need to listen to Moses and the prophets, that is, to the Word of God.

II. From the story in its context, what would show that they had changed?

They would come to value what God values, and disdain what God disdains, Luke 16:15.

They would be much more concerned about how they stood before God than how they appeared before people.

They would develop a heart for doing God’s will.

They would not look for loopholes so that they could disobey while appearing to obey, Luke 16:18.

They would help those whose only help was the Lord.

III. To hear the Word of God, therefore, demands:

Develop a new love for God rather than for riches.

Develop a new heart for God and for His Word.

Develop a new relationship to other people.