Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Rich Man and Lazarus, Part 27 of 28

TEXT: Luke 16

IDEA: Money can purchase many things that may bring us comfort, but money cannot bring fulfillment.


CAST: Richard Mann, Salesman # 1, Salesman # 2, Salesman # 3, Voice, and Jesus

RICH: How do you do, Sir. My name is Richard Mann. My friends usually call me “Rich.”

SALESMAN # 1: Well, it’s nice to meet a “Rich Man.” I’ll bet you’ve heard that before.

RICH: Yes, too many times. But I don’t mind the joke. As I always say, “Id rather be rich than wretched.”

SALES/1: That makes sense. Well, what brings you to the market today? What can I do to help you?

RICH: Well, I’m looking for some very special things. Rare things. I’ve looked everywhere for them. So far, though, I’ve not been able to find what I’m looking for.

SALES/1: This bazaar has everything! If you can’t find it here, then I assure you, it’s not for sale anywhere. What exactly do you have in mind?

RICH: Well, I’ll have to look at my list. Let’s see. Oh, yes . . . I want to buy health. I’ve not been feeling well lately, and I’m willing to spend a great deal for my health.

SALES/1: Health? We don’t have health. We can sell you medicines—our drugstore has a wide assortment of pills, and liquids, and shots. At another booth over there, you can purchase exercise equipment—bikes, rowers, treadmills, weights. They can get you into shape.

RICH: No, no. I belong to a health club and I’ve got a medicine cabinet full of pills. I want to buy health.

SALES/1: We have doctors. All kinds. Generalists, specialists, surgeons. They can help you if you’re sick. But health? We don’t sell that. As far as I know, health isn’t for sale.

RICH: Look, I’m not interested in pills, physicians or exercise machines. I like to live the good life. I can afford it. Gourmet foods, the best wines. Good cigars. But I haven’t enjoyed them lately. I’ve not been feeling well. I simply want to enjoy them in good health.

SALES/1: I’m sorry, Sir, I wish I could help you. In this bazaar we can sell you medicine but not health.

RICH: I’m disappointed. Thanks for your time. Let’s see, I’ve got some other things on my list. I wonder whether that salesperson can help me in this book over here.

SALES/2: Good morning, Sir. Welcome to my booth. Is there something I can do for you today?

RICH: My name is Rich Mann. I’ve got some items on my list that I’m eager to buy.

SALES/2: Well, I’ll be delighted to help you. You can buy almost anything at my booth or these other booths at the bazaar. What exactly did you have in mind?

RICH: I want to buy a home. You know, a place where people love each other. You know, a home. Where there is laughter and openness and where when you come home at night the others are really glad you’re there. A home.

SALES/2: We have lots of lovely houses for sale. All kinds. Mansions with swimming pools. Condominiums where all the upkeep is done for you. They’re very popular. We have some estates with exquisite lawns and gardens. I’ll be glad to show them to you—one of them should meet your requirements.

RICH: I don’t think I’ve made myself clear. I want to buy a home. I’ve got a house—a big one—more rooms than my wife and I can use. A four car garage and cars to put in it. I’ve got a large swimming pool. I’ve got a house. What I want is a home. A place where there’s lots of love and caring. Where folks are more than boarders. A home. I need a home.

SALES/2: Yes, of course, a home. We don’t really sell homes here at the bazaar. We have houses. You can make one of these houses into a home, I’m sure. But we don’t sell homes . . . Homes take love and concern and support. You can’t buy that at any price. At least, not at my booth or in this marketplace.

RICH: Well, thanks for trying. I’m not doing very well with my shopping . . . Wait, there’s an interesting booth over in that quiet corner . . .

SALES/3: Welcome to my booth, Sir. May I help you?

RICH: I hope so. Let’s see . . . Do you know where I can buy some peace of mind?

SALES/3: Peace of mind?

RICH: Yes, peace of mind. I’m upset about the stock market and the economy. I’m afraid my business isn’t doing well. I’m upset about the future and the political situation. It’s hard to sleep at night. If I could find some peace of mind, I know I’d feel better. Can you sell me some?

SALES/3: Well, we can sell you the services of a psychiatrist or a psychologist. You can talk with them by the hour if you have money. They’re really very good. We also have an assortment of pills that can help you for a while. But to be honest, I don’t know of anyone who can sell you peace of mind. I don’t think it’s for sale.

RICH: I’m sorry about that. I’d pay a lot for it. So would many of my friends . . .

SALES/3: Now look. We can sell you a vacation. How about a cruise in the Caribbean or a trip to Hawaii? Look at these folders . . . golf, sunshine, horseback riding, fun in the sun. We can sell you a romantic getaway . . .

RICH: No, that’s not what I have in mind. When you go on vacation, you have to come home again. I wear myself out trying to have fun. When I get away, I have to take myself with me. That’s my problem.

SALES/3: Hold on a second. We can provide entertainment. Las Vegas . . . Disneyworld . . .

RICH: They’re great fun, I’m sure. But no. That’s not what I’m after. Thanks anyway.

SALES/3: Okay. But don’t forget. Anytime you want to escape, come back and see me. Here, take a few of my brochures. We can sell you peaceful settings. Unfortunately, though, no one can guarantee anyone peace of mind.

RICH: Thank you. I’ll look over your folders. But I’m not really interested in a vacation. There’s hardly anything in this market that I really want.

VOICE: Hey, buddy, you look lonely. Maybe I can help you . . .

RICH: Oh, I didn’t see you standing there in that dark corner. What do you have for sale?

VOICE: A good time. A really good time. Know what I mean? I can satisfy all your fantasies. Companionship for the night.

RICH: That’s interesting. One of the items on my list here is love. I’d like to buy love. I need someone to love me . . . I’ll be glad to pay whatever it costs.

VOICE: Love? Sure, we can arrange that. I have women. Gorgeous women. Great bodies. They’ll spend the night with you and make love to you. They cost, but they’re worth it.

RICH: I don’t want a body. I want love. Real love. Someone who cares about me. Someone who’ll be there for me. Someone who’ll listen to me. Sex is all right, but it’s nothing without commitment and love.

VOICE: Buddy, I don’t know much about all that. I sell excitement and pleasure. The stuff you see on television. I can deliver that big time. But love—that’s something else . . . I have some pretty nifty imitations that will do for an hour or two. But what you want . . . Mister, I don’t think that’s ever been for sale.

RICH: But that’s what I want. I don’t want to settle for imitations.

VOICE: Sorry we can’t do business. We call what I sell “love,” but you want something else. Excuse me, I don’t have time to talk. I gotta make a buck.

RICH: What a disappointing day! Everything I really want and need I can’t buy in this bazaar.

JESUS: You’re right.

RICH: Huh? Who are you? I wasn’t talking to anyone.

JESUS: I know you. I know your thoughts and I know your deepest needs. I know what’s on that list of yours.

RICH: What am I looking for?

JESUS: Me. You’re looking for me, and you don’t know it.

RICH: Who are you? I’ve never met you before.

JESUS: My name is Jesus. You need me.

RICH: Jesus? Oh yes, I’ve heard of you. When I was a kid, my mother told me about you. She dragged me to church. Everybody there talked about you. You sounded boring. Besides, I’ve been too busy for church lately. No offense, but I haven’t kept up with you.

JESUS: I know. But I’ve kept up with you. I love you. I only want the best for you. In fact, I sacrificed my life to bring you into a relationship with the eternal God . . . that wasn’t easy.

RICH: What do you mean? Why did you have to die for me? I didn’t ask you to do that.

JESUS: You sinned and I had to deal with that to bring you to God.

RICH: Sinned? What do you mean by that? I’ve never killed anybody.

JESUS: That’s true as far as it goes. You’ve broken God’s standards. You’ve broken your own standards. You’ve done whatever pleased you. You haven’t given any thought to what pleased God. That’s been the story of your life, Rich. That’s what I mean by sin. That’s what I died about. For you.

RICH: What are you selling?

JESUS: Nothing. What I have to give to you is free.

RICH: Like what? What are you giving away?

JESUS: Forgiveness, for one thing. Forgiveness for all your sin. In fact, many of the other items on your list flow out of that and of having a personal relationship to me.

RICH: Yeah?

JESUS: For example, peace. I can give you peace with God. Because you can know that the Father and I care about you very much, you can talk with us and have peace inside of you. Love. Unconditional love. Love that never gives up on you. That changes you and the way you relate to others . . . your family, your children.

RICH: You can deliver on that?

JESUS: It’s yours as a gift. It’s free. It’s not cheap, you understand. I paid for it. That’s why I died. To take away your sin. That stood between you and me.

RICH: What’s the catch? What do you want from me?

JESUS: You, Rich. I want you.


JESUS: I want you to trust yourself to me. Your life. Your whole person. Your money. You can’t trust your money any more. Trust yourself to me as your Savior—your master—your God.

RICH: You don’t want much, do you?

JESUS: I want you. I can’t settle for less. I want you to trust me to settle your account with my Father. I want you to trust me to forgive all your sins. I want you to trust me with your life.

RICH: You want my money? Everybody else does too.

JESUS: Well, that depends. If your money stands in the way to trusting me, then you’ll have to give that up. Is that so hard? Your money hasn’t bought what you say you’re searching for, has it?

RICH: Well, . . .No . . .

JESUS: You can’t trust your money and me at the same time. It simply won’t work.

RICH: Can I trust you to keep your word?

JESUS: I won’t lie to you, if that’s what you mean. I can satisfy the deepest longings you possess. But I don’t perform magic. You have to trust me completely if I am to change you . . .

RICH: Change me? You didn’t say anything about changing me . . .

JESUS: If I don’t change you, then you will stay the same as you are. What good will that do? I will accept you just as you are, but I love you too much to leave you just as you are. Only if I change you can you possess what you desperately need.

RICH: Well, that’s quite an offer. Frankly, I didn’t expect to encounter you here in the bazaar. I thought you had an apartment or something in the church. You took me by surprise. Look, Jesus, I’ve got some other shopping to do. I appreciate your offer. Maybe someday I’ll get back to you.

JESUS: Will you, really?

RICH: Well, I’ll give it some consideration some day. Right now I’m afraid that your asking price is more than I want to pay, even though your offer is free.